hi , I'm

Sai Sameer

about me

I am a budding web developer passionate in working with technology and leveraging them to solve real world problems. I have keen interests in Open source, motion design , web development. I love learning/exploring upcoming and trending technologies and always look forward to implement some cool project ideas on the same. I enjoy colloborating and participating in programs and hackathons as way of interacting with the community and upskilling myself. Other than these, I also am skilled in management, writing and leading teams.

Currently, I'm still pursuing my BTech CSE Degree from SRM Institute of Science and Technology and anticipate my degree by may 2023.

Technologies I work with

I work with majorly Web development technologies as I love the creative freedom it gives me. Currently , also exploring fields such as mobile app development, testing and many more.

Top Skills

  • Frontend Development

  • OOPS

  • Backend Development


Weather Forecast App
project 1

A Weather Forcast app made using node js, express js and Geocode api.

See here
Ritch Landing page
project 2

Ritch is inspired from upstox.made by using Html ,css ,bootstarp

See here
student grade calculator
project 3

Extraordinarly styled page that calculates the total marks/grades.

See here
Task manager api
project 4

A task manager api made using node js , mongodb and postman api platform.

See here